838 Illuminati: Do they like each other?
Courtesy Marvel Studios/Disney. Devianart.
*Spoiler Ahead*
The variant Doctor Strange in Universe 838 formed this group to keep his ego in check. Ok, probably to be a council to decide what to do if a threat, may it be local, cosmic, or multiversal, comes. In their short-lived arc - pun intended - they were the main decision maker on how to defeat their version of Thanos. The flashback given to 616 Doctor Strange by Professor Xavier showed Thanos defeated in what is appears his home world, Titan. Also, it appears that Thanos was just able to collect four out of the six Infinity Stones when the Illuminati plus others defeated him. Pretty much that is the only flashback we got about this group other than the aforementioned who assembled them. Because of that lack of background, the Armchair Association, will be the one to make up its history.
I will go through the questions regarding the formation of the Illuminati.
The Why?
This was answered in the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - go watch it - when the Illuminati introduced themselves to 616 Doctor Strange. They were at first brought together by 838 Doctor Strange to keep himself in check, a “Strange’s Accord”, that somehow go beyond to his different variants. The Multiverse of Madness film did not mention if this happens before or during the Thanos threat. But from the dialogue they were having, the Illuminati was formed when the Thanos threat was already assessed. So, the creation of the Illuminati was to neutralize the Thanos threat and safeguard the Infinity Stones.
The When?
As I have mentioned, the Illuminati was formed during the Thanos threat. Each of the members are looking for a way to defeat Thanos with at least, during that time, 2 Infinity Stones collected. It appears that Civil War probably happened with the Avengers due to an Age of Ultron problem. Thor is in space and sent a messenger to Doctor Strange just as what happened in Avengers: Infinity War. Doctor Strange probably got his Sorcerer Supreme a little bit earlier compared to his 616 counterpart, and had Baron Mordo not turn against the Sorcerer Supreme and became a guardian of one of the Sanctum Sanctorum. As a Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange monitors every threat and the unique people in 838 Earth, therefore, are aware of the presence of Black Bolt and Captain Marvel. Professor X, Reed Richards, and Captain Carter would probably publicly known. This warning made Doctor Strange call upon unity of those that can defend the 838 Earth because there are 2 Infinity Stone present in the planet, Time (under the protection of Sorcerer Supreme) and Mind (under the protection of Reed Richards in the Baxter Foundation). Hence, Mr. “Smartest Man Alive”.
The Who?
This led to the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Illuminati line-up. As for the empty seventh-seat, I will just put Black Panther in there.
So now let us answer, do the Illuminati not like each other?
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
No, that would not be the mission and vision of the Illuminati.
“They are friends from work.”
Thor, even getting affected by Tony Stark refuse to give the “Strongest Avenger” mantle, he still has his fellow Avengers as friends. But the hubris of this 838 Illuminati’s is just beyond the confidence Thor emulates. So this cannot be one of the visions of the Illuminati’s.
The intellect of this council is in the highest tier. The battle tactics are also in there. This team is built as it was intended, to prepare, prevent, and innovate against threats that will come. And with all of those working together, ego and pride will be the challenge. Especially if they have a history with each other.
Avengers versus X-Men
This rivalry was probably already in there in the beginning. The Avengers is government backed with S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D have been monitoring mutants and sent the Avengers team to neutralize any dangerous mutant. The 838 Ultron Program probably was 838 Tony Stark’s experiment, similar to 616 Tony Stark, with in mind of protection against alien attacks, that the S.H.I.E.L.D stolen from him into making a Sentinel Program specifically to go against mutants using Ultron corrupted by the Mind Stone as its AI. This in turn created the “Age of Ultron”. Instead of the “Sokovia Accords”, it adapted the Superhero Registration Act, just as in the comics. The Superhero Registration Act was made due to the “Age of Ultron” event as the Earth governments and citizens are more cautious which in turn wanted to keep the superhero community in check and with more transparency. This caused the Civil War where Captain Carter object, with her stance of everyone has a choice, and 838 Tony Stark along with Professor X are for with the Superhero Registration Act, with Tony and Professor X wanting a peaceful relationship. Due to the Ultron Program having flaws, 838 Tony Stark gave away or ask for the help of Reed Richards. This allows Reed to be in possession of the Ultron Program and the Mind Stone.
The continuation of the Ultron Program
As the threat of the Sentinel Program is tied to the Ultron Program, Professor X sees this as not a great idea in Reed Richards part. Professor X and Reed Richards have a great history collaborating with each other being intellectuals and the birth of Reed’s kids who would instantly label as mutants, having powers from birth, the people that Professor X that is protecting. Because of this friendship and knowledge about each other’s backgrounds, Professor X see this continuation as an innovation in terms of defending 838 Earth. On the other hand, the other X-men and mutants do not view the same way.
The Captains
When you are at war, multiple Captains is ideal. When making a decision, well I have no idea. When 616 Carol Danvers and 616 Steve Rogers first met, the arrogance of Carol Danvers was shown and Steve Rogers attitude towards it was mellow. This is because Steve Rogers tasted defeat but if this happened during the first Avengers movie with similar scenario, with the spat he had with Tony Stark, the ego on the room would be through the roof. Seeing that these two on the chair and have probably not tasted failure, the rift between them is probably visible.
Now let us look at the action they did during 616 Doctor Strange trial.
Baron Mordo was there to introduce 616 Doctor Strange and appears to have a grudge towards the late-838 Strange. 616 Doctor Strange having a smart mouth regarding the group and starts his roast with Black Bolt. Black Bolt appears to be glad to be just there as a part of a council. Which then Captain Carter did not like 616 Strange comments that she boomerang her shield trying to strike fear in him. In which, he did not mutter a word as he had respect to anyone that had the Captain America mantle. Captain Carter was introduced then Maria Rambeau, Captain Marvel, who 616 Strange did not have a roast as he also respects her powers as he had seen in the fight with 2014 Thanos. Then the introduction of Reed Richards, who he also have some comments about. And Professor X, in which 616 Strange did not have any witty comments, as if he was aware of Professor X existence and the powers he had. All but Professor X heed the warning of the Scarlet Witch threat, which probably he was aware of with their own 838 Wanda. Still Professor X thinks they can handle this small threat.
Once 838 Wanda controlled by 616 Scarlet Witch, infiltrated the Baxter Foundation, four out of the six Illuminati went to confront her after the Ultron sentries are not successful in stopping her. The four Illuminati was able to confront the Scarlet Witch before getting to where America Chavez is and have Reed Richards try to talk sense to her. The trying to talk sense to her was also given a threat and given away Black Bolt’s power in which Black Bolt was actually proud of. This mercy threat was probably due to Reed Richards connection with 838 mutants, having his kids being a mutant, and a close friendship with Professor X. Due to the secret being told Scarlet Witch took this information and counter it to go against Black Bolt. With that happening, Reed Richards still tries to talk some sense to her, and the two Captains was just there standing in the back.
With the two Captains battle experience, they should have regrouped themselves with Reed Richards and not let Reed continue to talk to her. Unless they still downplay the Scarlet Witch threat because of their hubris of stopping Thanos, they should have in their back of their mind that they should not do a talk-no jutsu, trying to reason, against Scarlet Witch. But what if, the two Captains or Captain Carter herself still have a grudge after the Avengers vs X-men that I mentioned above. Meaning the 838 Wanda is a mutant and part of the X-men. So, they did not oppose Reed’s way on handling Scarlet Witch, having Black Bolt as the weapon, at first even though they know it’s a dangerous situation. Because when push comes to shove, Black Bolt can get rid of her right then and there. Captain Marvel and Captain Carter were able to put up a fight but was still not working as a team. This makes you ask on how did they defeated a 4 Infinity Stone Thanos.
The four eventually lose and Professor X is the last defense after the sorry for a Sorcerer Supreme of 838 Universe got stuck on the moat that I do not even know why they needed it. I guess even the room was set up to show this groups hubris. Being in a castle and they are kings and their word is absolute. Which in the comics the Illuminati’s characters are.
Before I digress, Professor X attempt to stop Scarlet Witch kind of show his familiarity with 838 Wanda. It also appears that Professor X is not that close to 838 Wanda as there were no emotional connection between them when he was trying to get her out of the cave. Probably Jean Grey or other psychic mutant are working with 838 Wanda, or she just living her normal life and the X-Men let her be.
The Captains’ are not well-synced. Baron Mordo just does not cut to be a Sorcerer Supreme. 838 Doctor Strange have more of a close relationship with Reed Richards. Reed Richards also have a close relationship with Professor X. Avengers and the X-Men have a troubled past against one another. Black Bolt is just happy to be part of the council and living on a part of the moon with his fellow Inhumans.
“The greatest teacher, failure is.” -Master Yoda
“Everyone has a plan until they got punch in the mouth.” -Iron Mike Tyson
“What mouth?” - Scarlet Witch, 2022.
Well that is my theory coming from the Armchair Association.
#DoctorStrangeintheMultiverseOfMadness #Avengers #Xmen #ReedRichards #ProfessorX #CaptainCarter #CaptainMarvel #BaronMordo #BlackBolt #ScarletWitch #DoctorStrange